Monday, April 17, 2017

Makindye Fun

Hello Out There

This week has been good. As always there are the ups and downs. ​​We had interviews this week which went well. President I guess did basically the same thing with all the missionaries. He showed us all how by September this mission will be a completely different mission. The groups that came 2015 in June, August, and September were all like 15+ missionaries so when they all go home these next few transfers it will be a whole new mission. Lots of young missionaries. And also my mom has enlightened me that there is a photo by Sister Collings on Facebook where as my mom asked if I got in a knife fight I will say no, and that I have no idea why it looks like I have a massive scar on my arm. The rest of the week consisted of lots of finding and such. Always a tough thing for me to be motivated to do but at the same time one of the most rewarding when you can put your trust in the Lord and find awesome people! Also I got to speak at church yesterday. I don't like speaking here. I always have to write my talk the night before and with no access to it makes writing talks much more difficult haha but it went well I sorta used the stuff from my farewell talk. I just need to work on bringing my talks to a much more powerful and effective close. Or at least that's what this one needed.

I will share a wonderful story I read in the Liahona though from the First Presidency message this month, April actually.
A Rabbi and a soapmaker went for a walk together. The soapmaker asked 'what good is religion? Look at all the troubles and misery of the world after thousands of years of teaching about goodness, truth and peace - after all the prayers, sermons and teachings. If religion is good and true, why should this be?"

The rabbi said nothing. They continued walking until he noticed a child playing in the gutter. Then the rabbi said "Look at that child. you say that soap makes people clean, but see the dirt on that young child! Of what good is soap? With all the soap in the world, the child is still filthy. i wonder how effective soap is after all"
The soapmaker protested and said, 'But rabbi, soap can't do any good unless it is used.'
'Exactly,' replied the rabbi.

I really liked this story because it really helps put the gospel in perspective! If we don't act, if we don't humbly give it a chance, it won't have any effect. Hence the reason we don't see everyone flocking to religion. If we don't show the faith God won't reward us.
And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not becausye see not, for ye receive nwitness until after the trial of your faith.

I know that as we act God will bless us and help us see the joy and happiness he so willingly wants to give! I know this to be true and I say it in the name of jesus christ amen!

Well got to go! Love you guys!
Love Elder Seibert

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